Cold Weather, Changing leaves and hot soup! It's Time For Fall!

October 13, 2016

Cold Weather, Changing leaves and hot soup!  It's Time For Fall!

Fall has finally arrived!  I’ve been so ready for the days of cooler weather, changing leaves, and hot soup. 

It’s time to take down the summer décor and replace it with autumnal beauty.  Fall has so many beautiful colors to lend to us.  Deep vibrant reds, shades of green, gold honey wheat, and burnt mustard.

I’ve made it easy and put together a small a list of items inspired by Fall.

Of course, it’s not Fall without pumpkins! 

We just received these lighted canvas prints.  This one is called Bittersweet pumpkin.  You can put the lights on a timer so they come on at the same time every evening and even shut themselves off, how cool is that?!
Bittersweet Pumpkin lighted canvas

How adorable are these Harvest Time Pumpkin Pillows?  Made of felt with top stitching, this cute pumpkin shaped pillow is perfect to nestle in your Fall décor.
Harvest Time Pumpkin Pillow

Battery Operated Burnt Mustard Pillar Pumpkin Candle—this candle has a timer function as well and a remote.  Approx. 4 inches tall.

Pumpkin Pillar

Braided Jute rugs


Cider Barn

Cider Barn Braided Jute Rug


Mustard Seed

 Mustard Seed Braided Jute Rug


Harvest Braided Jute Rug



Kingston Braided Jut Rug


 What is Fall without a steaming bowl of homemade soup?  I love Fall and making a big pot of veggie soup that will last for days. Cook once and eat for a week!

Hot Homemade sound County Primitive


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